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Sizing & fit: Fleeceworks pads

Half and full pads (numnahs)

Fleeceworks half and full pads come in Medium, Large and in some cases X-Large.  This table translates saddle size to the appropriate pad size

Since it is the size of the panels rather than the seat that governs the required pad size, the table distinguishes between saddles with normal vs. unusually small or large panels in relation to the seat

If in doubt, email us with details of your saddle size & make, and if possible a picture  


 Saddle size Pad size
15" - 17" w/small panels Medium
17" - 17.5" w/std panels Large
17.5" w/lge panels or 18/18.5" X-Large


Saddlecloths and half-lined pads

Where precise fit around the saddle is less of an issue (as with the half-lined saddlecloths) Fleeceworks pads come in one size only.  Where a pad shows no size option, these are designed to fit 16.5" - 17.5" saddles. However, the GP and Dressage shapes will normally go up to 18" saddles without problems