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Chloe Bernard, Commercial Director of on-line retailer Shadow Horse, stockists of technical performance saddle pad brands Ogilvy Equestrian and Fleeceworks has some great tips for looking after your horse’s back this summer…
Remember that your horse can change shape during the competition months, so keep an eye on saddle-fit. We have a couple of very clever saddle pads; one in the Fleeceworks collection, which has sheepskin and also removable memory foam pads, and one in the Ogilvy Equestrian collection which can help ‘bridge’ that gap!
After riding always sponge off sweat marks under the saddle area with warm water to help avoid skin problems. I would also recommend washing your saddle pads regularly as well to dirt and grease do not build up and cause skin issues. Our Ogilvy Equestrian saddlecloths have amazing breathable properties and help wick sweat away from your horse, so again helping to avoid any skin problems.
Some horses, no matter how methodical you are about cleaning saddlecloths, do suffer from skin issues, Merino Sheepskin (less so with lambskin) saddle pads are a great investment, as they offer great breathability properties and also excellent cushioning against impact.
Finally, despite your busy schooling/competition programme this season, don’t delay on regular saddle checks, back treatments and grooming – follow these steps and your horse will have a happy and healthy back this season!